Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1

capacitance, 611
spherical, 607
carbon-14 dating, 865
Carnot engine, 321
cathode rays, 17, 488
causality, 398
Celsius (unit), 314
Celsius scale, 74
center of mass, 142
center of mass frame, 147
centi- (metric prefix), 24
cgs units, 1027
Chadwick, James, 140
chain reaction, 511
charge, 475
conservation of, 477
quantization of, 485
charmonium, 949
chemical bonds
quantum explanation for hydrogen, 899
chemical reactions, 68
Chernobyl, 518
choice of axis theorem, 258
proof, 1025
circuit, 533
complete, 533
open, 534
parallel, 547
series, 547
short, 545
circular motion, 213
inward force, 214
no forward force, 214
no outward force, 214
circular orbit, 98
circular orbit in a magnetic field, 682
classical physics, 856
climate change, 114, 521
closed system, 58
CMB, 109
coefficient of kinetic friction, 157
coefficient of static friction, 157
elastic, 139
inelastic, 139
totally inelastic, 148
color, 805
comet, 135

complete circuit, 533
complex numbers, 625
in quantum physics, 911
component, 192
Compton scattering, 462
conduction of heat, 113
conductivity, 735
defined, 540
conservation law, 56
conservation of mass, 480
convection, 113
converging, 781
conversions of units, 28
Copenhagen approximation, 887
nonunitary, 970
Copenhagen interpretation, see Copenhagen
correspondence principle, 69, 814
defined, 397
for mass-energy, 437
for relativistic momentum, 432
for time dilation, 397
cosmic censorship, 454
cosmic microwave background, 109, 455
cosmological constant, 108
coulomb (unit), 476
Coulomb’s law, 477
coupling constant, 677
critically damped, 190
Crookes, William, 483
cross product, 286
uniqueness, 1024
defined, 531
current density, 610, 705
curved spacetime, 445
cyclotron, 747
cyclotron frequency, 747

damped oscillations, 176
critically damped, 190
electrical, 622
mechanical, 189
critical, 190
dark energy, 108, 456

Index 1093
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