13.4 The atom.................... 918
Classifying states, 918.—Three dimensions, 921.—Quantum num-
bers, 923.—The hydrogen atom, 925.—Energies of states in hydro-
gen, 927.—Electron spin, 934.—Atoms with more than one elec-
tron, 937.
Problems...................... 940
Exercises...................... 952
14 Additional Topics in Quantum Physics
14.1 The Stern-Gerlach experiment........... 957
14.2 Rotation and vibration............... 960
Types of excitations, 960.—Vibration, 960.—Rotation, 961.—Corrections
to semiclassical energies, 962.
14.3 ?A tiny bit of linear algebra............. 964
14.4 The underlying structure of quantum mechanics, part 1. 966
The time-dependent Schr ̈odinger equation, 966.—Unitarity, 969.
14.5 Methods for solving the Schrodinger equation..... 970 ̈
Cut-and-paste solutions, 970.—Separability, 973.
14.6 The underlying structure of quantum mechanics, part 2. 974
Observables, 974.—The inner product, 980.—Completeness, 986.—
The Schr ̈odinger equation in general, 988.—Summary of the struc-
ture of quantum mechanics, 990.
14.7 Applications to the two-state system......... 990
A proton in a magnetic field, 990.—The ammonia molecule, 992.
14.8 Energy-time uncertainty.............. 995
Classical uncertainty relations, 995.—Energy-time uncertainty, 995.
14.9 Randomization of phase.............. 997
Randomization of phase in a measurement, 998.—Decoherence,
14.10 Quantum computing and the no-cloning theorem... 1001
14.11 More about entanglement............ 1004
Problems...................... 1008
Three essential mathematical skills........... 1015
Programming with python............... 1020
Appendix 2: Miscellany 1022
Appendix 3: Photo Credits 1028
Appendix 4: Useful Data 1066
Notation and terminology, compared with other books, 1066.—
Notation and units, 1067.—Fundamental constants, 1067.—Metric
prefixes, 1068.—Nonmetric units, 1068.—The Greek alphabet, 1068.—
Subatomic particles, 1068.—Earth, moon, and sun, 1069.—The
periodic table, 1069.—Atomic masses, 1069.
Appendix 5: Summary 1070
12 Contents