Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
l/No matter what point you
hang the pear from, the string
lines up with the pear’s center
of mass. The center of mass
can therefore be defined as the
intersection of all the lines made
by hanging the pear in this way.
Note that the X in the figure
should not be interpreted as
implying that the center of mass
is on the surface — it is actually
inside the pear.

m/The circus performers
hang with the ropes passing
through their centers of mass.

The highjumper and the wrench are both complicated systems,
each consisting of zillions of subatomic particles. To understand
what’s going on, let’s instead look at a nice simple system, two pool
balls colliding. We assume the balls are a closed system (i.e., their
interaction with the felt surface is not important) and that their
rotation is unimportant, so that we’ll be able to treat each one as a
single particle. By symmetry, the only place their center of mass can
be is half-way in between, at anxcoordinate equal to the average
of the two balls’ positions,xcm= (x 1 +x 2 )/2.
Figure j makes it appear that the center of mass, marked with
an×, moves with constant velocity to the right, regardless of the
collision, and we can easily prove this using conservation of momen-

vcm= dxcm/dt




(v 1 +v 2 )



2 m

(mv 1 +mv 2 )



Since momentum is conserved, the last expression is constant, which
proves thatvcmis constant.
Rearranging this a little, we haveptotal=mtotalvcm. In other
words, the total momentum of the system is the same as if all its
mass was concentrated at the center of mass point.

Sigma notation
When there is a large, potentially unknown number of particles,
we can write sums like the ones occurring above using symbols like
“+...,” but that gets awkward. It’s more convenient to use the
Greek uppercase sigma, Σ, to indicate addition. For example, the
sum 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 = 30 could be written as



j^2 = 30,

read “the sum fromj= 1 tonofj^2 .” The variablejis a dummy
variable, just like the dxin an integral that tells you you’re integrat-
ing with respect tox, but has no significance outside the integral.
Thejbelow the sigma tells you what variable is changing from one
term of the sum to the next, butjhas no significance outside the
As an example, let’s generalize the proof ofptotal=mtotalvcmto
the case of an arbitrary numbernof identical particles moving in
one dimension, rather than just two particles. The center of mass

Section 3.1 Momentum in one dimension 143
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