It can also be handy to have a relation involving velocity and posi-
tion, eliminating time. Straightforward algebra gives
v^2 f=vo^2 + 2a∆x,
wherevf is the final velocity,vo the initial velocity, and ∆xthe
distance traveled.
.Solved problem: Dropping a rock on Mars page 49, problem 17
.Solved problem: The Dodge Viper page 50, problem 19
0.1.5 Self-evaluation
The introductory part of a book like this is hard to write, because
every student arrives at this starting point with a different prepara-
tion. One student may have grown up outside the U.S. and so may
be completely comfortable with the metric system, but may have
had an algebra course in which the instructor passed too quickly
over scientific notation. Another student may have already taken
vector calculus, but may have never learned the metric system. The
following self-evaluation is a checklist to help you figure out what
you need to study to be prepared for the rest of the course.
If you disagree with this state-
you should study this section:
I am familiar with the basic metric
units of meters, kilograms, and sec-
onds, and the most common metric
prefixes: milli- (m), kilo- (k), and
centi- (c).
subsection 0.1.6 Basic of the Metric
I am familiar with these less com-
mon metric prefixes: mega- (M),
micro- (μ), and nano- (n).
subsection 0.1.7 Less Common Met-
ric Prefixes
I am comfortable with scientific no-
subsection 0.1.8 Scientific Notation
I can confidently do metric conver-
subsection 0.1.9 Conversions
I understand the purpose and use of
significant figures.
subsection 0.1.10 Significant Figures
It wouldn’t hurt you to skim the sections you think you already
know about, and to do the self-checks in those sections.
Section 0.1 Introduction and review 23