Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1

Exercise 3B: Vibrations


  • air track and carts of two different masses

  • springs

  • spring scales

Place the cart on the air track and attach springs so that it can vibrate.

  1. Test whether the period of vibration depends on amplitude. Try at least two moderate
    amplitudes, for which the springs do not go slack, and at least one amplitude that is large
    enough so that they do go slack.

  2. Try a cart with a different mass. Does the period change by the expected factor, based on
    the equationT= 2π


  1. Use a spring scale to pull the cart away from equilibrium, and make a graph of force versus
    position. Is it linear? If so, what is its slope?

  2. Test the equationT= 2π


Exercises 245
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