Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1

a/The electric field of a sheet of
charge, and the magnetic field of
a sheet of current.

b/A Gaussian surface and
an Amperian surface.`

c/The definition of the circu-

Experiments show that these are valid in all situations, not just
static ones. But Gauss’ law for magnetism merely says that the
magnetic flux through a closed surface is zero. It doesn’t tell us
how to make magnetic fields using currents. It only tells us that we
can’tmake them using magnetic monopoles. The following section
develops a new equation, called Amp`ere’s law, which is equivalent
to the Biot-Savart law for magnetostatics, but which, unlike the
Biot-Savart law, can easily be extended to nonstatic situations.

11.3 Magnetic fields by Ampere’s law`

11.3.1 Ampere’s law`
As discussed at the end of subsection 11.2.5, our goal now is to
find an equation for magnetism that, unlike the Biot-Savart law, will
not end up being a dead end when we try to extend it to nonstatic
situations.^6 Experiments show that Gauss’ law is valid in both static
and nonstatic situations, so it would be reasonable to look for an
approach to magnetism that is similar to the way Gauss’ law deals
with electricity.
How can we do this? Figure a, reproduced from page 690, is our
roadmap. Electric fields spread out from charges. Magnetic fields
curl around currents. In figure b/1, we define a Gaussian surface,
and we define the flux in terms of the electric field pointing out
through this surface. In the magnetic case, b/2, we define a surface,
called an Amp`erian surface, and we define a quantity called the
circulation, Γ (uppercase Greek gamma), in terms of the magnetic
field that points along the edge of the Amp`erian surface, c. We
break the edge into tiny partssj, and for each of these parts, we
define a contribution to the circulation using the dot product of ds
with the magnetic field:

Γ =


The circulation is a measure of how curly the field is. Like a Gaus-
sian surface, an Amp`erian surface is purely a mathematical con-
struction. It is not a physical object.
In figure b/2, the field is perpendicular to the edges on the ends,
but parallel to the top and bottom edges. A dot product is zero
when the vectors are perpendicular, so only the top and bottom
edges contribute to Γ. Let these edges have lengths. Since the
field is constant along both of these edges, we don’t actually have
to break them into tiny parts; we can just haves 1 on the top edge,
pointing to the left, ands 2 on the bottom edge, pointing to the right.
The vectors 1 is in the same direction as the fieldB 1 , ands 2 is in
the same direction asB 2 , so the dot products are simply equal to

(^6) If you didn’t read this optional subsection, don’t worry, because the point is
that we need to try a whole new approach anyway.
700 Chapter 11 Electromagnetism

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