a/James Clerk Maxwell (1831-
b/Where is the moving charge
responsible for this magnetic
11.6 Maxwell’s equations
11.6.1 Induced magnetic fields
We are almost, but not quite, done figuring out the complete set
of physical laws, called Maxwell’s equations, governing electricity
and magnetism. We are only missing one more term. For clarity,
I’ll state Maxwell’s equations with the missing part included, and
then discuss the physical motivation and experimental evidence for
sticking it in:
Maxwell’s equations
For any closed surface, the fluxes through the surface are
ΦE= 4πkqin and
ΦB= 0.
For any surface that is not closed, the circulations around the edges
of the surface are given by
c^2 ΓB=
+ 4πkIthrough.
The ΦEequation is Gauss’ law: charges make diverging electric
fields. The corresponding equation for ΦB tells us that magnetic
“charges” (monopoles) don’t exist, so magnetic fields never diverge.
The third equation says that changing magnetic fields induce curly
electric fields, whose curliness we can measure using the emf, ΓE,
around a closed loop. The final equation, for ΓB, is the only one
where anything new has been added. Without the new time deriva-
tive term, this equation would simply be Amp`ere’s law. (I’ve chosen
to move thec^2 over to the left because it simplifies the writing, and
also because it more clearly demonstrates the analogous roles played
by charges and currents in the ΦEand ΓBequations.)
This new∂ΦE/∂tterm says that just as a changing magnetic
field can induce a curly electric field, a changing electric field can
induce a curly magnetic field. Why should this be so? The following
examples show that Maxwell’s equations would not make sense in
general without it.
Figure b shows a mysterious curly magnetic field. Magnetic fields
are supposed to be made by moving charges, but there don’t seem
to be any moving charges in this landscape. Where are they? One
reasonable guess would be that they’re behind your head, where you
can’t see them. Suppose there’s a positively charged particle about
to hit you in the back of the head. This particle is like a current
722 Chapter 11 Electromagnetism