h/A frog is levitated dia-
magnetically by the nonuniform
field inside a powerful magnet.
Evidently frog hasμ<μo.
i/At a boundary between
two substances withμ 2 >μ 1 , the
H field has a continuous com-
ponent parallel to the surface,
which implies a discontinuity in
the parallel component of the
magnetic fieldB.
their differential-mode fields would cancel. There are two good
reasons to prefer the ferrite bead design. One is that it allows
a clip-on device like the one in the top panel of figure g, which
can be added without breaking the circuit. The other is that our
circuit will inevitably have some stray capacitance, and will there-
fore act like an LRC circuit, with a resonance at some frequency.
At frequencies close to the resonant frequency, the circuit would
absorb and transmit common-mode interference very strongly,
which is exactly the opposite of the effect we were hoping to
produce. The resonance peak could be made low and broad by
adding resistance in series, but this extra resistance would atten-
uate the differential-mode signals as well as the common-mode
ones. The ferrite’s resistance, however, is actually a purely mag-
netic effect, so it vanishes in differential mode.
Surprisingly, some materials have magnetic permeabilities less
thanμo. This cannot be accounted for in the model above, and
although there are semiclassical arguments that can explain it to
some extent, it is fundamentally a quantum mechanical effect. Ma-
terials withμ > μoare called paramagnetic, while those withμ < μo
are referred to as diamagnetic. Diamagnetism is generally a much
weaker effect than paramagnetism, and is easily masked if there is
any trace of contamination from a paramagnetic material. Diamag-
netic materials have the interesting property that they are repelled
from regions of strong magnetic field, and it is therefore possible to
levitate a diamagnetic object above a magnet, as in figure h.
A complete statement of Maxwell’s equations in the presence of
electric and magnetic materials is as follows:
ΦB= 0
Comparison with the vacuum case shows that the speed of an
electromagnetic wave moving through a substance described by per-
mittivity and permeabilityandμis 1/
μ. For most substances,
μ≈μo, andis highly frequency-dependent.
Suppose we have a boundary between two substances. By con-
structing a Gaussian or Amp`erian surface that extends across the
boundary, we can arrive at various constraints on how the fields
must behave as me move from one substance into the other, when
there are no free currents or charges present, and the fields are
static. An interesting example is the application of Faraday’s law,
ΓH= 0, to the case where one medium — let’s say it’s air — has
740 Chapter 11 Electromagnetism