Problem 25.
(b) Sketch a graph showing what this wavefunction looks like.
(c) Let’s interpretb. If you changedb, how would the wavefunc-
tion look different? Demonstrate by sketching two graphs, one for
a smaller value ofb, and one for a larger value.
(d) Makingkgreater means making the atom more tightly bound.
Mathematically, what happens to the value ofbin your result from
part a if you makekgreater? Does this make sense physically when
you compare with part c?
24 (a) A distance scale is shown below the wavefunctions and
probability densities illustrated in figure h on page 928. Com-
pare this with the order-of-magnitude estimate derived in subsec-
tion 13.4.5 for the radiusrat which the wavefunction begins tailing
off. Was the estimate on the right order of magnitude?
(b) Although we normally say the moon orbits the earth, actually
they both orbit around their common center of mass, which is below
the earth’s surface but not at its center. The same is true of the
hydrogen atom. Does the center of mass lie inside the proton, or
outside it?
25 The figure shows eight of the possible ways in which an
electron in a hydrogen atom could drop from a higher energy state to
a state of lower energy, releasing the difference in energy as a photon.
Of these eight transitions, only D, E, and F produce photons with
wavelengths in the visible spectrum.
(a) Which of the visible transitions would be closest to the violet
end of the spectrum, and which would be closest to the red end?
(b) In what part of the electromagnetic spectrum would the photons
from transitions A, B, and C lie? What about G and H? Explain.
(c) Is there an upper limit to the wavelengths that could be emitted
by a hydrogen atom going from one bound state to another bound
state? Is there a lower limit? Explain.
26 Find an equation for the wavelength of the photon emit-
ted when the electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from
energy leveln 1 to leveln 2.
27 Estimate the angular momentum of a spinning basketball,
in units of~. Explain how this result relates to the correspondence
28 Assume that the kinetic energy of an electron in then= 1
state of a hydrogen atom is on the same order of magnitude as the
absolute value of its total energy, and estimate a typical speed at
which it would be moving. (It cannot really have a single, definite
speed, because its kinetic and interaction energy trade off at different
distances from the proton, but this is just a rough estimate of a
typical speed.) Based on this speed, were we justified in assuming
that the electron could be described nonrelativistically?
Problems 945