For vectors in three-dimensional space, a set of three vectors is not
linearly independent if they lie in the same plane. The set of poly-
nomials{1,x}is linearly independent, but the set{P,Q,R}, where
P= 1,Q= 1−x, andR= 1 +x, is not, because− 2 P+Q+R= 0.
Abasisfor a vector space is a linearly independent set of vectors,
called basis vectors, such that any vector can be formed as a lin-
ear combination of basis vectors. The standard basis for vectors in
two-dimensional space is{xˆ, ˆy}, while a possible basis for the poly-
nomials is the infinite set{1,x,x^2 ,x^3 ,...}. A basis exists for any
vector space, and in fact there are normally many different bases to
choose from, with none being preferred. In the plane, for example,
we can choose to rotate the standard{ˆx, ˆy}basis by any angle we
like. Every basis for a given vector space has the same number of el-
ements, and this number is called thedimensionof the vector space.
The plane is a two-dimensional vector space. The polynomials are
an infinite-dimensional vector space.
Alinear operatoris a functionOthat takes a vector as an input
and gives a vector as an output, with the propertiesO(u+v) =
O(u) +O(v) andO(αu) =αO(u). A rotation in the plane is a
linear operator.
Differentiation as a linear operator example 2
Consider the set of all differentiable functions, taken as a vec-
tor space over either the real numbers or the complex numbers.
Then the derivative is a linear operator, as is the second deriva-
tive. The kinetic energy term in the Schrodinger equation is built ̈
out of second derivatives, so it is a linear operator.
For vectors in three-dimensional space, we have a dot product,
which is a function that takes two vectors as inputs and gives a scalar
as its output. A vector space may or may not come equipped with
such an operation. If it does, we call the operation aninner product.
The inner product on wavefunctions is introduced in section 14.6.2,
p. 980. In quantum mechanics, the inner product is a basic tool used
to define probabilities, and for example normalization becomes the
requirement that a wavefunction have an inner product with itself
that equals 1. That is, a normalized wavefunction is a kind of unit
When a vector space is finite-dimensional and a basis has been
chosen, then if we wish we can represent vectors in column vector
notation. For example, in the space of first-order polynomials with
the basis{1,x}, the polynomial 3 + 5xcan be represented by (^35 ).
Linear operators can similarly be represented by matrices, but we
will seldom find this possible or useful in this book. For example, we
can’t represent the derivative as a matrix, because the vector space
is infinite-dimensional.
Section 14.3 ?A tiny bit of linear algebra 965