Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
the linearity of the Schr ̈odinger equation, the result is that the mea-
suring apparatus or observer ends up in a Schr ̈odinger’s-cat state
that looks like


We interpret squares of amplitudes as probabilities, so

P=|α|^2 =|〈u|v〉|^2

gives us the probability that we will have observed the state to be
v. This final leap in the logic, to a probability interpretation, has
felt mysterious to several generations of physicists, but recent work
has clarified the situation somewhat.
On p. 938 we stated the Pauli exclusion principle by saying that
two particles with half-integer spins could never occupy the same
state. This was not a completely rigorous definition of the principle,
since we didn’t really define “same state.” A more mathematically
precise statement is that if one electron’s wavefunction isu and
another’s isv, then〈u|v〉= 0. In other words, we are ruling out not
just the case whereuandvare the same wavefunction,〈u|v〉= 1,
but also the intermediate case where〈u|v〉is greater than 0 but less
than 1.
A unitary transformation is one that preserves inner products.
That is,〈Ou|Ov〉=〈u|v〉. This is similar to the way in which rota-
tions preserve dot products in Euclidean geometry. This provides a
more rigorous definition of what we meant by postulating the uni-
tary evolution of the wavefunction (p. 969). It can be shown that if
the Hamiltonian is hermitian, then the evolution of the wavefunc-
tion over time is a unitary operation. This protects us from bad
scenarios like the one described in example 14, p. 989.
Traveling waves in the quantum moat example 12
On p. 920 we discussed the “quantum moat,” in which a parti-
cle is constrained to a circle like the moat around a castle. For
the`= 1 state, the two degenerate traveling wave solutions to
the Schrodinger equation are (ignoring normalization) the coun- ̈
terclockwise|ccw〉=eiθand the clockwise|cw〉=e−iθ. These
states are distinguishable by their angular momenta`z=±1, so
we expect them to be orthogonal. Let’s check that directly.


∫ 2 π







∫ 2 π




∫ 2 π


e−^2 iθdθ

984 Chapter 14 Additional Topics in Quantum Physics

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