Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1

are cases where it is not the same, e.g., when we adopt a rotating
frame of reference. In both classical and quantum mechanics, the
Hamiltonian is what determines the time-evolution of a system; in
quantum mechanics, this is because it is the Hamiltonian that oc-
curs in the Schr ̈odinger equation. Because the Hamiltonian occurs
so frequently, we will notate it asHˆ rather than the more cumber-
someOE, where the hat is to remind us that it is an operator. A
similar notation can be used for other operators when it is easier to
write, e.g., ˆszrather than the clumsyOsz. In the hat notation, the
time-dependent Schr ̈odinger equation looks like this:





An illegal energy operator example 14
We have pointed out on p. 976 some reasons to think that it would
be bad to have a quantum-mechanical observable whose eigen-
values were not real, i.e., one represented by a non-hermitian
operator (p. 982). Even worse things happen if we try to use a
non-hermitian operator for our energy operator, the Hamiltonian.
As the simplest possible example, consider a system consisting
of a particle at rest, and the Hamiltonian defined by

HˆΨ=i kΨ,

wherekis a nonzero real constant with units of energy. That is,
the energy of the system is a constant value, which is the imagi-
nary numberi k. This operator has a single eigenvalue,i k, which
is not real. The fact that it has a non-real eigenvalue is equivalent
to a statement that it is non-hermitian (problem 8, p. 1009). If we
plug this in to the Schrodinger equation, we get ̈ i~∂Ψ/∂t=i kΨ,




This differential equation is not hard to solve by the guess-and-
check method. A function whose derivative is itself (except for a
multiplicative constant) is an exponential. The solution is


whereAis a constant. This is bad. Very bad. IfΨis properly nor-
malized att= 0, then it will not be normalized at other times. Ifk
is positive, then the total probability will become greater than 1 for
t>0, which we could perhaps interpret as meaning that the par-
ticle is spawning more copies of itself. Almost as bad is the case
ofk<0, for which the particle exponentially vanishes into noth-
ingness like the Cheshire cat. Either behavior would violate the
principle of the unitary evolution of the wavefunction (p. 969).

Section 14.6 The underlying structure of quantum mechanics, part 2 989
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