Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
Experimentally, we do observe these two states in ammonia. The
difference in energy is extremely small — e.g., for the state with
angular momentum 1~it is about 9.8× 10 −^5 eV, so that if a photon
is emitted or absorbed in a transition between the states, it lies in
the microwave spectrum. This energy difference equals 2|f|, and its
smallness indicates that the tunneling probability is small.
Let’s find the states of definite energy for this system. For the
ground state, whose energy is−|f|, we need to look for a state of
the form|g.s.〉= (...)| 1 〉+ (...)| 2 〉such thatHˆ|g.s.〉=−|f||g.s.〉=
f|g.s.〉. If we don’t worry about normalization or an over-all phase,
we are free to take the first (...) equal to 1, so that|g.s.〉=| 1 〉+α| 2 〉,
for some complex numberα. We then have

Hˆ|g.s.〉=Hˆ(| 1 〉+α| 2 〉)
=f| 2 〉+αf| 1 〉,

and setting this equal tof|g.s.〉givesα= 1, so that

|g.s.〉=| 1 〉+| 2 〉.

The coefficients (...) that we set out to find are both equal to +1.
Their equal magnitudes tell us that the ground state is one in which
the molecule has anequalprobability of existing in either inversion.
Since the two coefficients are both positive, and we have defined| 1 〉
and| 2 〉such that their phases agree when they overlap inside the
barrier, this is a state of positive parity. The determination of the
excited state is left as an exercise, problem 10 on p. 1010.
From a classical point of view, we would think of the set of states

{ | 1 〉, | 2 〉 }

as the natural way of describing the possible states of the system.
These two states are the ones that we can draw pictures of, a/1 and
a/2. But part of the structure of quantum mechanics is that there
isno preferred basis(p. 987), and there is nothing wrong with using
the ground state and first excited state to form the basis

{ |g.s.〉,|ex.s.〉 }

instead. In the language of the completeness principle (p. 987),
one possible choice of a complete set of compatible observables for
this molecule is the set consisting of a single observable, the energy.
The{ground-state,excited-state}basis just happens to be the one
associated with this particular observable. If the ammonia molecule
had just broken off from some larger molecule, then it would be
oriented in a specific direction, and we would probably find it more
convenient to describe it in the{1,2}basis.

994 Chapter 14 Additional Topics in Quantum Physics

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