SCIENCE 4 MARCH 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6584 945
niversity scientists and civil rights
groups in the United States are of-
fering qualified praise for the federal
government’s decision last week to
rename and revise the China Initia-
tive, a controversial, 3-year-old law
enforcement campaign intended to prevent
the Chinese government from stealing U.S.-
funded technologies.
“Dropping the name is good,” says Steven
Pei, an electrical engineer at the University
of Houston who has been a prominent ad-
vocate for reforming an initiative critics say
has unfairly targeted U.S.-based scientists
of Chinese origin and improperly subjected
researchers who made paperwork errors to
criminal prosecution. “But the real issue is
how the new policy will be implemented.”
Pei and other observers also worry the
China Initiative has already done lasting
damage to international research collabo-
rations. The same suspicions that fed the
initiative, they say, are driving Congress
toward adopting tougher disclosure rules
for U.S. researchers working with foreign
partners and banning certain collabora-
tions altogether.
Since its launch in 2018 under then-
President Donald Trump, the China Initia-
tive has resulted in criminal charges against
some two dozen academic scientists, typi-
cally for failing to tell U.S. funding agen-
cies about their financial ties to Chinese
institutions. Most of the defendants were
of Chinese origin. Although several pled
guilty and were sentenced to prison terms,
prosecutors dropped other cases and only
one scientist, Harvard University chemist
Charles Lieber, has been convicted by a jury.
Both that checkered record and sharp
criticism from many quarters led to a re-
view of the initiative by President Joe
Biden’s appointees at the Department of
Justice (DOJ). Last week, Assistant At-
torney General Matthew Olsen, who took
over DOJ’s national security division in No-
vember 2021, announced the initiative will
now be called “a strategy for countering
nation-state threats.” The new name, Olsen
explained during a 23 February speech at
George Mason University, recognizes that
the biggest danger to U.S. national security
comes from foreign governments, not indi-
viduals or a particular ethnic group.
China stands at the top of that list,
Olsen said, pointing to its ongoing cyber-
attacks and silencing of dissent as well as
several explicit acts of economic espionage.
He cited a recent speech by FBI Director
Christopher Wray that described China’s
behavior as “more brazen and threatening
than ever before.”
In another change, Olsen said federal
prosecutors will look more carefully at
whether academic scientists accused of
disclosure violations should face criminal
charges. Science advocates have argued
that most such lapses should be treated
as a form of scientific misconduct and ad-
dressed with civil or administrative pen-
alties. Olsen appeared to tacitly agree,
referring to statements from academic lead-
ers that DOJ’s “pursuit of certain research
grant fraud cases ... can lead to a chilling
atmosphere ... that damages the country’s
scientific enterprise.”
Olsen also acknowledged criticism from
civil rights advocates that the Trump-era
label had “fueled a narrative of intolerance
and bias.” But he did not apologize for any
missteps that might have occurred, a si-
lence that rankles many scientists.
“If you don’t admit that you’ve done
something wrong, then how can you pre-
vent it from happening again?” asks Pei, a
co-organizer of the nonprofit Asian Pacific
American Justice Task Force, which has
highlighted the plight of scientists it argues
were unjustly prosecuted. Pei and others
would like DOJ to conduct a blanket review
of all pending cases. “That would go a long
way toward winning back the trust of the
Asian and scientific communities,” Pei says.
In his speech, Olsen said the new strategy
would be applied “going forward” and not
used to review existing cases. Even so, the
government has agreed to a 4-month delay
in the case of physicist Zhengdong Cheng,
a tenured professor who was fired by Texas
A&M University, College Station, after the
government accused him of defrauding
NASA by not disclosing ties to China in a
2013 grant application. The trial of Cheng,
who was detained for 1 year after his Au-
gust 2020 arrest, was supposed to start on
4 April. But 2 days after Olsen’s speech,
Cheng’s lawyer filed an unopposed mo-
tion for delay. It states the government and
Cheng “have now entered into good-faith
negotiations to resolve the prosecution ...
so that justice may be done.”
Olsen also promised to exercise greater
oversight over FBI-conducted investiga-
tions. Michael German, a former FBI special
agent now at New York University’s Bren-
nan Center for Justice, says the China Initia-
Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen has
renamed a controversial Department of Justice
initiative that has prosecuted academic scientists.
New name won’t fix all flaws in
China Initiative, critics worry
Justice Department promises tighter focus on preventing
espionage and no profiling of Chinese academics
By Jeffrey Mervis