940 4 MARCH 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6584 science.org SCIENCE
he often-acrimonious U.S. debate over wear-
ing masks entered a new phase last week when
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) loosened its guidance and suggested about
70% of the population could jettison them. The
turnabout comes as the Omicron wave ebbs and
scientists consider how to recalibrate public health pre-
cautions, given the mostly mild or moderate disease the
virus variant causes in vaccinated people. CDC’s new ap-
proach relies on regional COVID-19 hospital admission
rates, the percentage of hospital beds filled by those
patients, and new cases per 100,000 people during the
past week. Previously, case numbers had played the star-
ring role. Some scientists praised the agency’s change;
others criticized it because the U.S. population includes
many vulnerable people, like those with compromised
immune systems, and children under age 5, for whom
COVID-19 vaccines aren’t yet available. State and local
health authorities in the United States determine mask
wearing rules but often turn to CDC for guidance.
Nobelists denied CRISPR patent
BIOTECHNOLOGY | The team that won
a Nobel Prize for its groundbreaking
creation of the CRISPR genome editor lost
a key patent battle this week. An appeals
board of the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office ruled that a rival group led by
the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
convincingly showed it first “reduced to
practice” the use of CRISPR as an editor of
eukaryotic cells in October 2012. Nobel lau-
reates Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle
Charpentier and their colleagues first
described using CRISPR to edit specific
DNA in 2012, but the group, known as
the CVC, struggled to make it work in
eukaryotic cells. The patents for CRISPR in
eukaryotic cells represent a huge financial
windfall because these are the foundation
for human medicines. The CVC, which
Edited by
Jeffrey Brainard
CDC relaxes guidance on wearing masks in public
Fifty percent is a failing grade. It’s an F. Someone with the
resources of Facebook should be aiming for an A.
Imran Ahmed of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, on its finding that Facebook is failing to label
about half the posts that promote articles from publishers of climate misinformation.
Many schools that have mandated wearing masks are considering making them optional, following new U.S. government guidance.