Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

increase in obesity. Decreased metabolic rate is also involved in
aging, cancer and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Do these
symptoms sound familiar?

Sugars also feed yeast (candida) and cancel cells,
interfere with the transport of vitamin C and favour the production
of acne. High blood sugar contributes to EFA deficiency. It is
possible to have adequate amounts of EFAs in the body without
able to use such EFAs by the action of sugars. Excess sugar can
be turned into fat but excess far cannot be turned back into sugar;
it must be used up through exercise. Refined sugars cause the
body to divest its energies and nutrients into burning up these
toxins. There is then no necessary minerals to digest other toxins
and foods and therefore has to deposit them into fat cells, into the
wrong places which may increase our risk of cholesterol, heart
problems and diabetes.

Before the industrial revolution, white fibre-less flour had to
be hand sifted and was therefore confined to the upper classes.
This resulted in degenerative diseases afflicting only the wealthy.
The poor ate ‘dirty’ whole grains and remained relatively healthy.
Now technology has meant that refined foods are available to the
masses, along with the degenerative diseases they promote.
Read the label and avoid refined sugar and flour.

Glucose, actually a pre-digested food, undergoes no
processing in the stomach or intestines. There is not law in the UK
or US that glucose be separately labeled on packaging. Glucose is
used as a cheap ‘filler’ by the food industry, and as it is not as
sweet as sugar, it is used in large amounts. Beware of those
packaged cereals, baked goods and even processed meats that
are extremely high in glucose. Be aware, eat natural organic raw
fruit and vegetables and you will not have a problem. Sugar has
lost at least 80% and sometimes all of the minerals present in the
raw sugar cane, a preferred if not ideal option in many recipes.

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