Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

Coffee (^) Coffee substitute (to fulfill the need for
warm comfort) / celery (to increase
Potato chips Hemp seed, option: eat with celery or
roasted in Hempso for sodium boost
Guinness Spinach
Cola drinks High cocoa, low sugar organic chocolate,
Chocolate Hemp seed, carob dipped broccoli dates
and almonds, or as a last resort try
smaller amounts of a high cocoa, lo0w
sugar organic chocolate
Bread + Butter (^) Avocado and Hempso(tm) sauce which
you can spread with your favorite topping
(hemp seeds), just like bread + butter. As
purely a bread substitute, try sweet potato
slices, again you can spread with your
favorite topping.
Potatoes Hemp seed or nut butter or a juice and
fatty seed (pineapple and hemp seed for
example) or just simply banans.
Alcohol Alcohol is often an escape from a space
inside that we are trying to avoid. We can

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