The key to freedom is intuition. Intuitive eating is a form of
surrender. What you are learning to say to your body is: I trust
you. Show me what to do, and I will do it.
How society would benefit by freeing itself from fried foods
and other foods high in fat and carbohydrate such as today’s fast
foods. I only broke away from my cravings when I chose to eat
100% living (raw) foods. When I was 95% the 5% made me crave
some more, which led to more. Although not for all, the step to
100% showed me I had strength and could beat all the cravings,
and no matter what it took, I did.
‘The bond of iron or wood or hemp
is not so strong – the wise have said:
but being attached with longing and lust
to sons and wives earrings and gems –
‘The wise have said this bond is strong,
down-dragging, flexible, hard to loose:
this having severed, wander the wise
longingless, sense-pleasures having renounced.’
Lord Buddha, from The Dhammapada chapter on craving