An essential trace element that functions as a component of
enzymes involved in antioxidant protection and thyroid hormone
metabolism. The most important sources in western diets are fish
and grains. Additionally, some foods such as brazil buts can have
relatively high selenium concentrations. The amount selenium in
food is partly dependent on where it is grown. People living in
areas with selenium-deficient soil may get less selenium in their
food. Recent studies suggest selenium supplements may prevent
some form of cancer and boost immune status.
What a horrible image this can conjure up to many of us.
Constipation is, as we can tell by drug sales figures, a very
common problem amongst many of us. This is due to heavy,
stodgy comfort foods, earing when not truly hungry and in a rush,
and too little fibre. In order to counteract this, it is important to eat
living, high fibre foods, add more fluids such as grape, beet or
prune juices with added crushed flax seed and use foods such as
celery as a snack. Study any medication you may be taking and
ask your doctor’s advice as to whether a change may help your
symptoms. Generally it helps to eat more fibre; whole hemp seeds
are a wonderful source. Other recommendations are to use ghee
for frying and add small amounts to the meal. Drink warm water
regularly and try a fast.
The process to return to an efficient digestive system may
take time, so do not expect an overnight cure. If you take note of