a diet of refined sugar and flour were starting to have problems
with their health. I can honestly say that the tribal peoples – of
whom there are very few left on this planet not touched by modern
society – have an energy, an aliveness that I have not observed
anywhere else. Their eyes are like beams of light, radiating a
strong message to those that are destined to see them. The
methods described in this book are all based on a transformation
aimed at regaining tis life energy we once must all have had. This
life energy that has been shared with me by some of the
understandings of modern science; a system called Naturecure.
Maoris of the Polynesian Islands survived on fruits and
vegetables for many generations, with no grains being necessary.
Since becoming ‘westernized’ they have begun to lose their health
and are now having to learn about disease.
Naturecure is a new term that I feel will become more accepted
and popular as we consciously remember nature is not just around
us but is also part of us. The system of Naturecure is the belief
that the lack of internal sanitation is the basic cause of all
diseases. Disease is considered to be a lowering of the health
level for which the cure is repair the health by the removal of the
cause(s). The science of Naturecure explains a safe way of
regaining and maintaining health by living in tune with nature.
A healthy diet is a large part of keeping in health. Starting
with a thorough cleansing of the body is a necessity otherwise you
are just feeding a sewer with natural foods, which is a waste of
time, money and energy. This does not imply that if you do not fast
you should continue eating processed or degraded foods. We
must start somewhere; action is the key.
Naturecure incorporates much of the science of natural
hygiene, not a technical subject for the exclusive use of doctors or