Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

professionals, but a liberating science available to anyone wishing
to restore themselves to being independent and happy. It is
intended for the sick to become healthy and for the healthy to
become healthier. It strictly adheres poisons, whether vegetable,
animal or mineral.

Because Naturecure intends for us all to be our own
doctor, a system of Naturecure will never be advertised with new
drugs by conventional methods such as by doctors, the National
Health Service or via the media. True self-reliance is certainly the
policy of the nature. After experiencing a range of Naturecure
treatments in one of the best centers in India, I feel confident that
other such centers will spread throughout the West and East. I am
planning such a center that incorporates these ideals, paired with
most of what you will read in this book at a location in Eastern
Australia. If you are interested in such a center, do not hesitate to
contact me via email. So, I shall explain a few of the methods





‘All diseases are cured from within out – from the head down and
in reverse order of their symptoms as first appeared in the body.’
No disease can exist without toxic materials in the body, so it is
crucial to detoxify first. Prescribing drugs will only add to the
toxicity. This process is for someone wanting to make a clean
start. Every day is a new beginning, but the process of a truly
happy and enjoyable life – by de-toxing, fasting and healthy eating

  • is the start of a new life.

Naturecure adheres to this law of cause and effect – as
you sow, so shall you reap. Hygienic living is the cause, and
health is the effect. Also, when unhygienic living is the cause
disease is the effect. The one and only presumption in Naturecure
is that there is a ‘higher’ existence, a power unproven to science.
Whether it be your god, religion, spirit or whatever you wish to call

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