Naturecure takes care of more than we understand. A brilliant
Frenchman, Louis Kervan, has shown that all is not as it seems in
chemistry. A major scientific principle (Lavoisiser's) is that nothing
is lost, nothing is gained and everything is transformed. This law of
conservation and matter has been disproved by Kervan who has
shown on numerous occasions that transmutation from one
chemical to another is possible. He noted that in the Sahara
desert, a group of workers ate an excess of salt and excreted far
more potassium than they took in. He also found that in this
example sodium and oxygen plus a specific enzyme actually
transmutes into a new substance -potassium. He noted four other
such mutations that undermine the whole of one of the most basic
laws in western science. I note this to show that we cannot believe
any one theory laid down by our logical minds.
Let us consider more about what disease is in order to understand
why this book concentrates on the positive aspect of raising
health. Let us use the simile of light and dark. Light is the
substance, darkness is the apparent absence: Health is like light
and disease the darkness. Darkness is not eliminated by directly
attacking it; it goes of its own accord when light is brought in, or at
least increased sufficiently. Therefore when health is raised
sufficiently high, disease disappears.
No one can solve problems for someone whose problem is that
they don't want problems solved.
We have seen that all disease is created by internal insanitation or
unhygienic living which plays with our body chemistry. Unhygienic
living involves a wasteful action at either the physical or mental
level, or sometimes both. Sitting, standing or sleeping in a wrong
posture, lack of or excess physical activity, shallow breathing,