There is a myth concerning teeth. Toothpaste manufacturers
advertise that 'a clean tooth never decays'. Caries of the teeth, in
which cavities form, occur through eating defective food.
Toothpastes cannot prevent them. When on a hygienic diet it is
sufficient to use Ayurvedic or natural organic, sulphate & sugar
free toothpaste or simply plain water with maybe a trace of lime
juice and a brush.
In the West we find, despite modern toothpastes and new
toothbrush designs, a great number of nuisances related to the
tooth. Sensitive teeth and dental decay are both rife in today's
society, yet in the jungle where dentists, new toothpaste and
processed foods are absent we find little inconveniences with our
natural 'knives and forks'. A diet of organic raw and live fruit and
vegetables, as well as a lack of processed sugar products will
deter most obstacles to healthy choppers. Beware also of the
effects of removing 'problem teeth', including wisdom teeth. Such
changes can dramatically alter the natural balance the body is
trying to achieve. The dentistry industry thrives on making money
from moving one immediate problem, only to postpone and
transfer this problem to somewhere else later on. If you have left it
too late, and you have a pain or immediate problem that requires
attention, then consider a homeopathic dentist who will advise as
to the most natural method of alleviation. This is the best of a bad
world. The idea of Naturecure is prevention of disease so such
times will never occur when practising these lifestyles, except as
healing crisis which are to be left to take their own course.
Remember that prevention is far better than cure, live a natural
and sustainable life from now; the beginning of the rest of your life.
Possibly the most enjoyable part of Naturecure is the sun bath.
Being your own doctor you must prescribe yourself regular sun
baths. Ensure your house has sufficient sunlight, dark cold houses
should be made illegal. Look at young plants that grow in a dark