Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

My Grandma used to take care of her bowel with an
enema, and it was considered the only option if you felt
constipated. The latest 'alternative therapy' in the West is Colon
Hydrotherapy, which is a more severe and deeper form of an
enema. This is a fast method of purification and is seen to be
cleaner, as in this method no water is held within the system.
Instead of having time to pollute the bloodstream through the
bowel walls, the water is constantly circulating. Colonies must be
applied by a certified professional (see contacts). Enemas and
colonies can be helpful in restoring healthy bowel regularity.
Anyone with slow, irregular or under-active bowels are likely to
benefit from regular use. Colonies can help with all kinds of skin
problems such as acne and eczema. The skin is the largest
excretory organ in the body. When the colon is sluggish or
clogged up, and there are lots of toxins in the body, the skin will

Enemas involve the holding of warm water in the lower
intestine before excretion. Many ingredients can be added to the
enema for different effects. Lemon works as an antibiotic for the
intestines; flax seed tea relieves bowel inflammation; clay water
helps to absorb and mobilise toxins from the bowel wall;
acidophilus culture taken orally is helpful in restoring healthy
bacteria and detoxifying the bowel; clean, pure filtered or distilled
water is best.

If there are toxins in the body, no therapeutic treatment will
overcome disease. First we need a clean body to be able to use
the natural and nourishing foods and treatments needed. After
enemas or colonies, it has been known that people have expelled
popcorn when they had not eaten popcorn for years, and meat
remains from people who had been vegetarians for years! Where
had these remnants been?

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