Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

dishes and miso soups. Rinse and soak it in water for 5- 15
minutes and squeeze dry. Add whilst cooking or steam lightly
before adding to salads. Use in soups as required along with the
water it was soaked in.


Growing at a depth of 1-2 metres this sea vegetable prefers
sunlight. Hijiki must grow for over one year before being
harvested. Rinse and soak in plenty of cold water for at least 15
minutes. Drain and rinse. Rich source of calcium. Works well with


This is one of the most popular sea vegetables growing in the
deep water. Rinse well and leave soaking for 20 minutes before
adding small pieces to rice, bean or grain dishes. Works great in
salads. Simmer in water for 5 minutes and add a splash of
Hempso(tm) to produce a healthy tasting soup, commonly known
in Japan as 'dashi broth'. Also enjoyed as a raw savoury snack,
great for a sodium boost on those hot and tiring days. A study
carried out at Tohoku University discovered that Japanese people
living in regions where large amounts of sea vegetables were
eaten regularly, enjoyed a particularly long life span.


Grown in more shallow waters it is very versatile and has a
sweeter flavour. Rinse and soak for at least 10 minutes and cut as
desired. Works well in miso soup, salads and stir fry. Try roasting
it and crumbling on salads.

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