Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1


Help to stimulate digestion, and a tasty addition to most dishes.


Including raisins, they are a fruit sprayed heavily with chemicals. It
is important to buy organic or to know your source. Consider those
forced to work on the fields and the deadly effect these chemicals
have on them.


Houmous is a great way to consume another of nature's
antibiotics, garlic. This pungent herb aids poor digestion, reduces
high blood pressure, improves circulation, cholesterol, colds,
bronchitis and intestinal infections. Houmous is good raw when
made with sprouted chick peas. Egyptian medical texts dating
from 1550 BC list raw garlic as a major ingredient in 22
prescriptions. Alicin is the active ingredient in garlic that acts as a
powerful antibiotic and fungicide. Alicin appears only in raw or
freshly cut or crushed cloves, not in the odourless or oil forms sold
in health food stores.


Best eaten with lime and salt. Helps delayed menstruation,
diarrhoea, amoebic dysentery and indigestion. The seeds are one
of the best ways to eliminate roundworm.


Native to the South American Andes. They only arrived in Europe
in the early 1500s. Best eaten raw. Ayurvedically for vata and pitta
in tomato sauces.

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