and this is not always an easy adjustment to go through. More
commonly, many people do not know it is possible to eat a high
raw diet, even though as a race we existed on an exclusively raw
diet for millennia until fire was discovered.
Finally, eating raw means rethinking the way we shop, prepare
and eat our foods which can be quite puzzling at first. And yet,
perseverance, vision and desire can help you cross that bridge
easily, safely and enjoyably. The key is to start with small easy
steps which are manageable to you personally, and then take
each step at a time at a rate that feels right. If you are not
accustomed to raw, living foods, then a short fast on diluted fresh
fruit juices will help in the transition stages. As you add more raw
food into your diet, you will soon discover you are heading in the
right direction - back to the vigour of youth as your body begins to
rejuvenate and give you back no less than you deserve.
It is worth remembering that just because we can consume certain
foods and live to tell the tale, this does not mean we have naturally
adapted to the substance. Feed a cow on the remains of its dead
family and it will probably live for another generation. But one day
the effects may wipe out a large percentage of the species and
their predators. Human "beings be aware - the journey "begins
It has been shown that when athletes change from a highly
cooked, high protein diet to a raw, living food diet their stamina,
speed and suppleness increases. However, people who live on
mainly raw fruit and vegetables will suffer from a lack of
phosphorus unless they add nutrients such as soft
hemp seeds (or whole soaked/sprouted hemp), other seeds,
nuts, or even organic meat to their diet. Ginger, radishes,
horseradish and other stimulating foods are warming and may be