ha. than most foods
Edible Protein produced in a 6 month period on 1 ha of land:
Leaf Curd 1070kg
Soy Beans 660kg
Hemp 560kg
Wheat 475kg
Beef 145kg
Cut young, good looking green herbage. Extract the juice, strain
and bring to boil, making a green curd on the surface. Skim this off
and press the whey out to give a curd with a hard cheese texture.
Use in various dishes as a protein enhancer.
Use a grass juicer, though a food processor or liquidiser will do.
Start with half an inch of boiling water in a bowl and gradually add
leaves until you get a well ground up soggy mince. The juice
should be filtered and slowly dribbled into the hot water (helps
produce a more solid curd). The green layer which forms on the
surface should be removed with a fine strainer, placed into a fine
woven cloth (hemp or calico) and the remaining whey pressed out
as much as possible. Place the hemp or calico between two
boards and press with heavy stones, concrete blocks or use a
hydraulic press. Groove the boards if possible to allow the whey to
escape. The final pressed curve should be no more than 1cm
To minimise loss of nutrients, as little time as possible
should pass between cutting and final pressing of curd.