Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1




ome say religion is what real life is all about. Some say it is
the greedy making rules so the sheep will follow. Whatever
your views on religion we cannot deny the effect it has on
our lifestyles, including our diets.

Most Christians are not affected by their diet. However,
some sects like the Mormons abstain from tea, coffee and alcohol.
Some days certain sects eat pancakes, some days hot cross
buns, others include chocolate eggs. Muslims, for one month per
year, celebrate Ramadan. They do not eat or drink anything from
dawn to sunset. Hindus are mainly vegetarian, and none eat the
sacred cow, beef. Sikhs do not have many stipulations regarding
food, yet many are vegetarians. Jews have strict dietary laws,
foods such as shellfish, pork and birds of prey are forbidden. Strict
Jews can only eat kosher meat which has been specially
slaughtered. The Jews also abide by some food combining laws;
milk and meat must never be used together, three hours must
lapse between such meals.

Whether the original ideals that set these guidelines still
hold today is open to debate. I feel that one must consider the
present effects such rules have on us as individuals as well as the
historical context that they originate from. Make your own mind up.


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