Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

the rest of the universe. The practice of yoga is an excellent way
to relax in this modern world. By being honest and frank about our
limitations we do not mislead others or fool ourselves. This helps
us to gauge what knowledge and experience we have to gain and
how to go about it.

There are thousands of asanas, but a few of the basic
ones are listed here. In all asanas or postures - whether a sitting
posture, standing or active stance - be aware of a string
emanating from the top of your skull, feel your neck lengthen, your
back extend both horizontally and vertically, your shoulders
separating out and knees relaxing (unless otherwise specified to
do so). Remember to use and not misuse your body,
reprogramme your often faulty sensory perception and create an
efficient use of energy in the body; the benefits will become
apparently limitless.


Translated from Sanskrit this means 'salute to the sun'. Start with
three of these exercises if a beginner and then increase by one
per day when you feel more confident.

It is so easy and enjoyable once you know how, and
although there are 16 parts to this set, it is very simple and one set
will take less than a minute when you don't need your notes.
Ignore the breathing for the first day so you get a feel for the

Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet
touching. Bring the hands together, palm-to-palm, at the heart.

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