Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

Exercise 2

In yoga the moon breath is called the Ida and the sun breath is
called the Pingala. The balance of the two is Susumna. Basically it
is alternate breathing. Instead of coffee, it works as a quick pick-
me-up during the day, with the only side effects being enhanced
energy and ability to assimilate information.

Begin in a place with fresh air, not too cold, windy or stuffy.
Place your tongue lightly against the roof of your mouth, behind
your front teeth. Use your thumb and close your right nostril;
inhale through your left nostril for a slow count of three. Keeping
your right nostril closed, use your first two fingers to close your left
nostril. Hold to a count of six. Release your thumb, opening the
right nostril and keeping the left still closed. Exhale to a count of
six. Keep fingers where they are and inhale from the right nostril
for a count of three and the close the nostril again with your
thumb. Release your left nostril and exhale to a count of six.
Repeat continuously alternating each side. Five or six breaths
each side will increase your energy. If you use regularly, increase
the 3- 6 - 3 count to 4- 8 - 4, 6- 12 - 8, then 6- 18 - 12.

Exercise 3

Another way to gain a quick boost of energy is the Israeli three

In a relaxed position, feet shoulder width apart and knees
slightly bent, breathe out through your nostrils three times. The
last out breath should be extended, and make this as strong and

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