Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

It is part of our evolution, something pre-written that we
shall all wake to 'something else^1 , this life or the next. It is only by
choice, by way of our actions now, that we will get there.


Many people I have met who have tried meditation complain of
falling asleep, and give up. 90% of these cases are due to the way
the person sits. Sitting in the Buddha posture or lotus position is
what most people associate with meditation. This position,
while^comfortable for some, is not as natural for those of us
brought up in the West who are used to sitting on chairs. Sitting
upright in a chair, sitting between your feet or in pretty much any
position where you are comfortable is fine as long as your back is
straight. Sitting on 10 to 15 inches of cushions in a crossed leg
position can also be comfortable. Spend some time finding out
what is ideal for you. Morning time, immediately after a skin brush
or some yoga is the preferred time for practice, but any time that
suits you is fine. When you start, about 15-20 minutes per day is
recommended - eventually working up to an hour.

The spiritual life, the path, is like the plant; enlightenment,
the goal, is like the flower. Both are separate, yet the flower
cannot exist without the plant.



 Breath Meditation.

Meditation can be seen as the integration of our mental and
emotional energy around a common focus. In this meditation
practice the focus is our breath. We begin to listen to our breath,

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