Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

ourselves, our planet and race as a whole. For how long shall we
work for ‘economic gain’ that we think is necessary to feed, clothe
and shelter ourselves and our family? How long will we go on
before we act and not just question the actions and reactions for
the companies we work for and their effect on our fellow brothers
and sisters and the planet we easily take for granted as being
there tomorrow? We cannot afford to ‘forget’ the many uses of
simple annual crops grown naturally; to watch aboriginal tribes
being pushed out of their land and forced to change ancient
lifestyles we are yet to understand, for our own greedy short term
economic gain. Let us live in a positive sustainable way that takes
full advantage of the current information now known. I certainly do
not envisage living how people lived hundreds of years ago in
what would now be termed hippie communes. Instead we need to
take full advantage of sustainable technology and, in the long-
term, workable knowledge that is available to us now. Soon we will
realize the importance of life-giving hemp and trees on our land,
and forget the stresses of what will sometime be known as the
time we stepped past our boundaries a little too far.

By looking after ourselves – physically, mentally and
spiritually – we can create a peaceful, sustainable environment
that is conductive in supporting a mass change of awareness that
we, as a human race, are starting to experience on this planet

We have learnt that negatively complaining about the
destruction of our planet has not been helping our society. By
being a positive part of our own future we can help contribute to
the currently needed balance more effectively. Let us start living
the change we wish to become.





‘Hemp for Victory’, a World War II campaign to encourage US
farmers to grow hemp for use in the war effort, was a film made by

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