Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1



Why do we need alternatives to petro-chemicals plastics?

Conventional plastics are produced from a finite resource. The
search for alternative renewable resource plastics began in
earnest in the 1970s due to the oil crises driving up the prices of
petrochemicals. The development of renewable and sustainable
alternatives gained a further boost in the 1980s, as food surpluses
began to make land available for the growing of non-food
industrial crops. In the 21st century, governments and consumers
are increasingly aware of the need to reduce global warming
caused by greenhouse gases such as CO 2. Petro-Chemical based
industries are high energy users and contribute greatly to rising
CO 2 levels.

Renewable bio-resource based products are inherently
low energy consumers, and are CO 2 neutral. They are also
sustainable, and can be composted or burnt when they are
finished with.



Hemp fibres are though and durable. The addition of hemp fibres
enables the reduction of the amount of plastic required, without
losing performance. Widespread use of hemp plastics has the
potential to dramatically reduce the consumption of unsustainable
and environmentally damaging petro-chemical plastics. Refining
hemp oil into plastic may eventually replace the need for other,
less sustainable resources.

Hemp’s use in plastics is mainly environmental. However
current studies are being carried out to research the strengthening
properties of hemp when mixed with other base materials.

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