into account that we are all unique and that the root cause of most
health problems is the basic toxicity of the body. I believe most of
society, particularly the industrialized world, has been poisoned by
a combination of stress, pollution and food. To understand the
roots of this toxicity it is useful to understand the way nutrients
work within our body.
The knowledge needed to gain an insight into true health
is best summarized by listening to our own instincts. If we can
learn to listen to these instincts and live on a diet of mainly fresh
organic raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, exercise and rest in
the sun then this knowledge is not necessarily for you – skip it!
Our instincts are far more valuable than any complicated, cross-
referenced nutritional guide, if we can slowly learn to fine tune
them and realize that we have been listening to distortion most of
our lives. For the sake of those logical minds (and I am still one of
them), I have prepared a summary of what I have learnt through
conversations, lectures and study, all of which I have been led to
by my enquiries into hemp as a food.
We have to learn to recognize ourselves in
everything, and to then exercise true equanimity, which is the
ability to interact without judgment. Do not confuse equanimity
with the attitude of indifference.