However, even though we can say that a hemp seed contains x
amount of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other
scientifically astounding nutrients, if we put the exact amount of
these ingredients together we would not make a hemp seed. The
life energy would be missing. This life energy created the seed
whilst arranging its atoms and nutrients. This life energy is the
main ingredient to all the recipes in this book. It is not something
we can add like salt and pepper, but it is something we can take
away by processing or by adding chemicals or preservatives at
ah6 stage of the food’s life cycle. This life energy is known in all
the ancient sciences I have studied. The Indians call it Prana,
Chinese Chi, Japanese Ki, Hawaiians Mana, Tibetans Tumo and
Orgone energy by the Reich. What we are looking for is
permanent, wholesome results from the seed.
And these can be found in these fats called LA (Omega-6)
and LNA (Omega- 3 ). These fats termed Essential Fatty Acid
(EFAs) are required by the human body in order to form cell
membranes and function, maintain hormonal balance, preventing
skin from drying or flaking, hair, general health and well being and
can help cardiovascular disease, auto-immune disorders, impaired
wound healing, breast pain, pre-menstrual syndrome and multiple
sclerosis. Over-consumption of saturated for the responsiveness
of our immune system and they do not raise cholesterol levels. In
fact, EFAs help to clear the body’s arteries. Because hemp seeds
are so digestible, scientists are suggesting their use in medicine to
block diseases and treat malnutrition. Tests are currently in
progress with regards to EFAs in treating cancer and helping
support the immune systems of those with the HIV virus. EFAs
also help to generate the electrical current which keeps our hearts