The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
Table 2. Lower temperature limits (OC) recorded for Sarotherodon species.

("(3 Comments Source

S. aureus

Survived in ponds when temperature
dropped for a short time
Survived in ponds when temperature
dropped for a short time
Survived this temperature for a short
time in laboratory
Died under experimental conditions
Began to die: previously acclimated
at 18OC for two weeks
Began to die: previously acclimated
at 28OC for two weeks
Higher survival when kept in 5%0
salinity than in fresh water (0.4%0)
Died: previously acclimated to 21°C
for 2 days. (Drop in temperature
0.8OC/l hour)

S. galilaeus

Survived in laboratory when exposed
to this temperature for a short time.
Lost equilibrium when exposed to
7.5OC for a short time.

S. mossambicus

Total mortality
Did not survive these temperatures
in fresh water; at ll°C, disorienta-
tion; survived ll°C in 5Xo salinity

S. niloticus

Determined experimentally
Determined experimentally

Yashouv (1960)

Chervinski (unpublished)

Yashouv (1960)

Sarig (1969)
Chervinski and Lahav (1976)
, ,


Lee (1979)

Yashouv (1960)

Li et al. (1961)
Chimits (1957)
Kelly (1956)
Allanson et al. (1971)

Lee (1979)
Denzer (1968); Chervinski
and Lahav (1976)


LOVSHIN: My experience of tilapias is that they do much better in waters with a high
pH. At pH 5 to 6 or below, they become sick and lethargic and do not grow very well.
Tilapias are found in the Zaiie Congo Basin anyway, where the pH of some tributaries
can get down to around 5; tilapias can live in waters of low pH, and I would like to

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