The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
Reproductive Physiology in Cichlid Fishes, with Particular
Reference to Tilapia and Sarotherodon


Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Labomtoire de Physiologic des Poissons
Campus de Beaulieu 35042
Rennes-Cedex, France

JALABERT. B. AND Y. ZOHAR. 1982. Reproductive physiology in cichlid
fishes, with particular reference to Tilapia and Sarotherodon, p. 129-140.
In R.S.V. Pullin and R.H. Lowe-McConnell (eds.) The biology and culture
of tilapias. ICJARM Conference Proceedings 7, 432 p. International
Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines.

Works dealing with the external and internal factors which regulate repro-
ductive efficiency in Tilapia and Sarotherodon are reviewed. Gametogenesis,
although presenting the same general features as in most other teleosts is
characterized by a low production of gametes related to the high efficiency
of parental care: in, substrate-spawners (Tilapia) the number of small sticky
eggs is approximately related to the cube of body length, whereas in mouth-
brooders (Sarotherodon), eggs are bigger, not sticky, and their number is
related to the square of body length.
Both groups seem to exhibit a capacity for precocious sexual maturation,
the reason for which is not clear. There is also unlimited successive breeding
through whole populations in equatorial areas and an increased tendency for
seasonal breeding with increasing latitude, with maximum activity during
maximum temperature and light intensity. When temperatures exhibit seasonal
variations of large magnitude, low temperature (15 to 22'~) inhibits repro-
duction during part of the year. Social factors have been shown to enhance
spawning frequency and might also influence sexual precocity through mech-
anisms which need further work.
Despite some attempts, specific tilapia gonadotropins have not yet been
satisfactorily purified; the ubiquity of specific prolactins in controlling both
osmoregulation and parental care behavior must be confirmed, and their pos-
sible inhibitory action on gametogenesis need investigation. The precise
nature of steroids which mediate the pituitary action during different phases
of the reproductive cycle also needs more research.


The efficiency of reproduction in Tilapia and Sarotherodon has paradox-
ical consequences: on one hand, this aptitude which allows easy and rapid
propagation in various tropical and subtropical environments, partially
explains the economic interest in these species for fish culture; on the other
hand this reproductive efficiency can be a source of problems because

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