The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
The Diet of ~n&a.s

In common with early developmental stages of nearly all fishes, the larvae,
fry and early juvenile tilapias feed on small invertebrates, especially Crustacea
(Le Roux 1956). The transition from an invertebrate diet to the typical
adult diet is usually abrupt (Bowen 1976a; Moriarty et al. 1973) but in some
cases it may occur gradually over the period of a year or more (Whitfield and
Blaber 1978).
The diets of adult tilapias have been reported for more than 17 species
sampled on three continents and a number of island systems (Table 1).
Practically every aquatic animal, vegetable and mineral small enough to pass
through the esophagus has been found in the guts of these fish. Some of this
variety must be attributed to items that are occasionally abundant in the diet
but are rare or absent most of the time and have no long-term significance in
the fish's nutrition. For example, Bruton found that S. mossambicus in Lake
Sibaya fed intensively on formicids for the few days when these were abun.
dant at the lake surface during an annual swarming period, but they did not
occur in the diet at other times of the year (Bruton pen. comm.). To describe
the characteristic diet of a tilapia species, it is necessary to identify those
food items that are consistently present in the diet over long periods of time.

Table 1. Diets reported for adult tilapias in natural habitats.

Species Diet Authority

S. pangani
S. jipe
S. esculentus

T. rendalli

S. mossambicus

S. aureus

S. niloticus
T. kottae
T. mariae
S. galilaeus

T. zillii

T. guineensis
S. melanotheron
S. variabilis
S. leucostictus
T. sparrmanii

macrophytes, algae, zooplankton

macrophytes, attached periphyton

macrophytes, benthic algae, phyto-
plankton, periphyton, zooplankton,
fish larvae, fish eggs, detritus

phytoplankton, zooplankton

phytoplankton, detritus, invertebrates
phytoplankton, invertebrates

macrophytes, benthic invertebrates

algae, detritus, sand, invertebrates
algae, detritus, sand, invertebrates
phytoplankton, detritus

Bourn 1974
Denny et al. 1978
Denny et al. 1978
Denny et al. 1978;
Fish 1951,1955
Caulton 1976,1977b;
Denny et al. 1978
Bowen 1979,1980b;
Man and Hodgkiss 197713;
Munro 1967; Naik 1973;
Weatherley and Cogger 1977
Fish 1955; Spataru and Zorn
Moriarty and Moriarty 1973a
Corbet et al. 1973
Corbet et al. 1973
Corbet et al. 1973;
Spataru and Zorn 1978
Abdel-Malek 1972;
Buddington 1979
Fagade 1971
Fagade 1971
Fish 1955
Moriarty et al. 1973
Bowen unpublished
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