The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

Table 7. A feeding chart for the culture of tilapias in Israel (after Marek 1975). The daily feeding
rates are expressed in g/fish and % body weight.


Daily feeding rates
For polyculture For monoculture
with carp
(9) (96) (g)


Daily feeding rates
For polyculture For monoculture
with carp
(g) (%I (g)

@able 7). He considers that tilapia in polyculture gain some natural food
from association with common carp and other fish species and therefore the
amounts of supplementary food he recommends are somewhat lower than
for monoculture. In both cases higher rations are given when the tilapia are
small and the ration decreases with increase in body weight. Differences in
response of tilapia to supplementary food in polyculture and monoculture
were also found by Lovshin et al. (1977). In a polyculture pond the FCR
for tilapia and

combined was lower than that for tilapia done in a
monoculture. t was concluded that less feed was required to raise a given
biomass of hybrid tilapia and common carp than was needed to raise the
same biomass of hybrids cultured alone.


From this review it can be seen that very high yields of tilapia can be
obtained with relatively low inputs. This, however, requires complete control
of reproduction and the choice of proper methods according to existing
conditions. It is doubtful whether this can be done in small homestead
ponds, but with sufficient know-how it can be achieved in small or large
commercial ponds.

HENDERSON: Can you give us some idea of the relative price structure for fish sold
from these pond culture systems? What percentage of the profit of the farm comes from
farming tilapias and what percentage from the other species?

HEPHER: I am afraid I cannot. Maybe Mr. Mires can help?

MIRES: On a national basis, we produce per year about 7,000 to 8,000 t of common
carp, about 1,000 t of silver carp and about 3,000 t of tilapias. The prices are: common
carp, about $2/kg; tilapias also about $2/kg and silver carp about $l.SO/kg. We also produce
about 700 to 800 t of mullet which fetches about $4/kg and miscellaneous specieg-grass
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