The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
Table 4. Extensive commercial cage culture of S. mossambicus in Philippine lakes.
Location Stocking data Harvesting data Culture
conditions; Fioating cage Mean weight NO. 05 Biomys Mean weight Biomy ProducYon period
source data (g) Mlm (kg/m ) (B) (kg/m ) (kg/m ) (mo) Remarks

Laguna de Bay^20 x^10 x 2 m deep;
900 km2; 2-8 min depth: mm mesh
salinity up to 3-5 ppt
hypereutrophic in the
Sollows (pers. comm.)

Lake Sampaloc 500 m2 x 4 m deep
volcanic crater lake
Sollows (pers. comm.)

Lake Bunot 50x 25x 5mdeep
volcanic soil region
Garcia 1979 and
Guerrero 1979

before congestion due
to uncontrolled increase
of cage numbers
under congested condi-
occasional supplemen-
tal feeding with rice
bran and water hyacinth
yield 10-1 5 tonslcage
giving net income eq.
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