The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

Table 5. Cage culture of S. aureus in fertilized ponds in Alabama, U.S.A. without supplementary feeding.

Density of Pmi Bi B f period G MSG MP DRIB
plankton (g) (kg/m3) ~/m3 (kg/m3) d (g/d) (%I (kglm3) (%I Source

Moderate 2.9 1.7 600 17.9 70 0.39 400 6.9 3.4 Armbrester 1972
Dense 2.9 1 .7 600 44.3 7 0 1.01 1,048 18.3 4.8 (cages 0.25 m3)


Pnli :
Bf :
MP :

10 5.0 500 43.1 87 0.78 235 12.7 2.5 Suwanasart 1972
25 12.5 500 54.8 87 0.72 86 14.1 1.7 (cages 0.21 m3)

mean weight at stocking
biomass at stocking
biomass at harvest
average growth rate of individual fish during the culture period
average monthly specific growth rate as % Pmi for 30 days
average monthly production: (Bf - Bi) observed and recalculated on a 30day basis
daily rate of increase of the biomass calculated from Bf = Bi (1 + i)" where n is the culture period in days and i is DRIB
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