The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
now being applied to tilapias also, although still on a relatively small scale
(Rabelahatra 1979). For example, in Cianjur large submerged bamboo
cages (5 x 4 x 0.7 m deep) are stocked with S. mossambicus fingerlings
(mean weight 20 g; stocking rate 0.7 kg/m3). This yields 50 to 60 kg of
fish in six months, which corresponds tdan average monthly production of
about 0.55 kg/m3: a little less than the production realized in Laguna de
Bay by Pantastico and Baldia (1979), see above, but only about half of that
obtained by commercial farmers in eutrophic lakes (see Table 4).

Table 6. Summary of data from the culture of all-male Sarotherodon niloticus stocked in
0.5 m3 cages at 200 fish/m3 in a pond receiving heated water effluent (25 to 37'~) from
a nuclear power plant at Tiange, Belgium (after Philippart et al. 1979). Bracketed values
are representative of the range of fish sizes.

Pmi (I) Bi (kglm3) B~ (kg/m3) G (Jd) MSG (%I MP (ktlms) DRIB (8)

-- -- -
* duplicate experiments

Pmi : mean weight at stocking
Bi : mean biomass at stocking
: mean biomass at harvest
: average growth rate of individual fii during the culture period
MSG : average monthly specific growth rate as % Pmi for^30 days
MP : average monthly production (Bf - Bi) observed and recalculated on a 30-day
DRIB : daily rate of increase of the biomass calculated from Bf = Bi (1 + i)" where n
is the culture period in days and i is Dm

Semi-Intensive Culture


In semi-intensive operations some supplemental feed is 'given but in
contrast to intensive operations, this feed is usually relatively poor in protein
(less than 10% dry weight) and made from local materials readily available at
low cost. Semi-intensive cage culture of tilapias uses mainly phytophagous
species which receive vegetable material or agricultural by-products as
supplementary low-protein diets in the presence of algal blooms.

A caged monosex male population of T. guineensis in a thermal effluent
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