The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

Table 7. Semi-intensive cage culture of tilapias using aquatic and terrestrial plants. Bracketed values are representative within the size ranges of fish used.

Stocking data Growth data Harvesting data Culture
Species and sexes Supplemental Pmi Bi G MSG DRIB Pmf Bf MP period
used: country feed (g) N/m3 (kgm3) ($Id) (%) (1) (g) (kglm3) (kglrna) FCR (mo) References and remarks

T. guineensis, Fresh algae 42 86 3.6 0.4 26 0.82 53 4.6 0.97 46 1 Philippart et al. 1979:
males: Belgium (26% protein). dry 4.5 cages, 0.5 m3; average
DFR 4.8% B temperature ~5.8~~

S. niloticus Hydrilla 170 501 0.8to 0.44 170to 1.1 to (0.5) 23 3 Rifai 1979. 1980: cages,
mixed sex: verticillata (96 15or 6.6 0.43 - - 21 8 7.6 - 19 1 m3 with 3 mm mesh
Indonesia Cham sp. 276) 45 0.73 (1.5) 33
Lemna minor
all at or above
DFR 30% B

T. rendalli,
mixed sex:

Pmi :
Bi :
Pmf :
Bf :
MP :

Alocagia 22.5 100 2.25 0.95 127 1.31 165 15.8 2.7 - 5 McLarney 1978;
macrorhiza cages. 1 m3;
leaves, ad lib. survival, 96%
a. Alocasia
leaves. DFR
10% to 20% B
b. Alocasia
macrorh izo
leaves. DFR
10to 20%B

10 50 0.5 0.55 164 1.16 128 6.0 0.79 7.2 Popma 1978; cages, 1 m3;
10 100 1.0 0.46 136 1.09 108 10.5 1.33 10 to 13 survival, 96.4%;
10 200 2.0 0.34 100 0.97 82 16.0 1.98 a) complete trial with
small fishes; b) same fish
from week 19 to week 31
48 50 2.4 0.97 54 0.95 128 6.0 1.40 3+
42 100 4.2 0.81 51 0.95 108 10.5 2.33 less than 10
33 200 6.6 0.59 48 0.92 82 16.0 3.48

Alocasia 27.4 175 4.8 0.41 45 0.83 76.4 13.0 2.0 4 Corredor 1978: 4 cages,
macrorhira 26.6 225 6.0 0.50 56 0.96 86.4 18.8 3.2 1 m3; complete trial over
leaves, ad lib 6 mo but difficulties after
4 mo
mean weight at stocking
number of fish
mean biomass at stocking
average growth rate of individual fish during the culture period
average monthly specific growth rate
daily rate of increase of the biomass calculated from Bf = Bi (1 + i)" where n is the culture period in days and i is DRIB
mean weight at harvest 100
mean biomass at harvest ,
average monthly production: (Bf - Bi) observed and recalculated on a 30-day basis
feed conversion ratio. on a net weight basis unless otherwise indicated
daily feedii rate as % B (biomass)
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