The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

Table 8. Semi-intensive cage culture of tilapias using mixed feeds. Bracketed entries are representative of the range of fish sizes used.

Stocking data Growth data Harvesting data
Feed composition Pmi Bi G MSG DRIB Pmf Bf MP
Suecies and location and feeding rate (g) N/m3 (kg/m3) (g/d) (5%) (%) (g) (kglm3) (kglm3) FCR

(m0) References and remark*

  1. S. niloticus, rice bran in the (10) (100) (1.0) (0.8) - -^150 15 2.3 -
    Laguna de Bay presence of algal
    (Philippines) blooms

  2. S. mossambicus, Rice bran. 70%; 10 50 0.50 0.52 157 1.9 57.1 2.8 0.77 6
    Laguna de Bay chopped snails, 30%;
    (Philippines) equivalent to 41%
    protein ;in the pre-
    sence of algal blooms

6 Anon. 1979a: Floating cages;
20 x 25 x 2.5 m deep;
1.000 m3 capacity
3 Pantastico and Baldia 1979;
6 cages (5.4 mm mesh)
25 x 25 x 1.5 m deep; each
with 9.4 m3 capacity

  1. S. aureus. Undefined
    Lake Ilopango
    (San Salvador)

  2. T. rendalli, Alocasia leaves 22.5 100 2.25 1.3 173 1.5 200to 21.6 3.87 -
    Ponds (Colombia) + 0.5 to 1.0 kg 250
    wheat bran daily

  3. S. esculentus, Brewery waste, 99%; 19 18.9 0.36 0.16 25 0.4 46.6 0.70 0.06 -
    Lake Victoria fish meal. 1%; DFR =
    (Tanzania) 15 to 30% B

  4. T. zillii, as 5. above plus 2.56 84.2 0.21 0.14 164 1.6 15.6 0.92 0.23 -
    'Lake Victoria plant leaves

  5. S. esculentus + as 6. above 16.3 22.9 0.37 0.45 83 1.1 (80) 1.78 0.30 -
    T. zillii, Lake
    Victoria (Tanzania)

  6. S. mossambicus? Rice bran. 16/21; 1.5 - - - - 80to - - -
    Negombo Lagoon coconut oil cake. to 250
    inlet (Sri Lanka) 4/21 ; cattle blood, 3.0
    1/21 ;plus wheat
    flour. 450 g/21 kg;

Pmi :
Bi :
Pmf :
Bf :
MP :

mean weight at stocking
number of fish
mean biomass at stocking
average growth rate of individual fish during the culture period
average monthly spcific growth rate
daily rate of increase of the biomass calculated from Bf = Bi (1 + i)" where n is the culture period in days and i is EB
mean weight at harvest 100
mean biomass at harvest
average monthly production: (Bf - Bi) observed and recalculated on a 30-day basis
feed conversion ratio, on a net weight basis unless otherwise indicated

Street 1978; 7 commercial
cages; each with 30 m3
5 McLarney 1978:^1 m3 cages;
survival 96%

< 6 Ibrahim et al. 1975; cage,
42 m3; (8 mm mesh)

3 as 5. above

4.7 Ibrahii et al. 1975: cage,
125 m3 (20 mm mesh)

6 Sollows pers. comm.: floating
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