The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

Table 11. Summary of experiment trials on the intensive cage culture of Sarotherodon niloticus and S. aureus: A. comparison of moist and dry pelleted fqed
(after Guerrero 1978); B. comparison of floating and sinking pellets (after Suwanasart 1972).

    • A. S. niloticus receivin moist and dry feed (65% rice bran, 25% fish meal, 10% copra meal on a dry weight basis) at a daily feeding rate of 4% fish biomass split
      into 2 meals in 1 m I cages (2.5 cm mesh).

Type of pellets Pmi (g) Nlm3 Bi (kg/m3) Bf (kglm3) Pmf (g) G (gld) Survival (%) MP (kg/m3) FCR Culture period (d)

Moist 96 150 13.8 25.5 179 3.63 95 to 97 14.5 2.7 24
Dry 96 150 15.0 23.4 161 2.54 95 to 97 10.6 2.5 24

B. S. aureus receiving floating and sinking pellets (commercial feed, 40% protein) at a daily feeding rate of 3% fish biomass in 0.12 m^3 cages.

Type of pellets Pmi (g) N/m3 Bi (kglm3) B~ (kglm3) Pmf (13) G (gld) MP (kglm3) FCR Culture period (d)

Floating 25 500 12.5 79.5 172 1.7 22.3 1.33 Total 87:fed for 70
Sinking 25 500 12.5 60.6 127 1.2 16.0 1.86 Total 87:fed for 70

Pmi : mean weight at stocklng
N : number of fish
Bi : mean biomass at stocking
Bg : mean biomass at harvest
pkf : mean weight at harvest
G : average growth rate of individual fish during the culture period
MP : average monthly production: (Bf - B.) observed and recalculated on a 30-day basis
FCR : feed conversion ratio, on a net weight basis unless otherwise indicated

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