The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
Table 12. Summary of stocking, growth and harvesting data for the intensive cage culture of Sarotherodon aureus: uuiug floating pellets unless otherwise stated.
Stocking data Growth data Harvesting data Culture
Feeding Bi G MSG DRIB Pmf Bf MP period
Location details 2 Nlm3 (kglm3) (gld) (%I (5%) (10 (hg/m3) (kg/m3) FCR (mo) References and remarks

A. Alabama, U.S.A. 40% protein
DFR 3% B
As above

B. Alabama. U.S.A. 40% protein
DFR 3% B
40% protein
DFR 3% B

C. Alabama. U.S.A. 40% protein
DFR 3% B
D. Puerto Rico 36% protein
DFR 5% B

Armbrester 1972: 0.25 m3 cages (23 mm
mesh) in fertilized ponds; mean values

Suwauasart 1972: 0.31 m3 cages in fertile
ponds: mean values: fed for 70 d only
Suwauasart 1972: 0.12 m3 cages in fertile
ponds; mean values; fed for 70 d only:
sinking pellets
~ag6n 1973: 1 m3 cages in fish ponds: an
FCR of 1.2 was obtained for N286 m/m3
Jordan and P& 1973: 1 m3 cages (mesh
8 mm) in a rock quarry pond

a. bm the presence of moderate plankton blooms
in the presence of dense plankton blooms
'net values

Pmi :
Bi :

mean weight at stocking
number of fish
mean biomass at stocking
average growth rate of individual fish dm the culture period
average monthly specific growth rate

DRIB : daily rate of increase of the biomass calculated from Bf = Bi (1 + i)" where n is the culture
period in days and i is EB
Pmt : mean weight at harvest loo
Bf : mean biomass at harvest
MP : average monthly production (Bf - Bi) observed and recalculated on a 30-day basis
FCR : feed conversion ratio, on a net weight basis unless otherwise indicated
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