The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
Table 13 (cont'd)

Country Feeding details

Stocking data Growth data Harvesting data Culture
B. G MSG DRIB Pmf Bf MP period
~/m~ (kg/A3) (gld) (96) (%I (g) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) FCR (dl References and remarks

Belgium commercial pellets
(46% protein):
DFR 7% B
Ivory Coast

Central African


chicken feed pellets
(24.7% protein):
DFR 4 to 6% B
see Table 94 :
DFR 6% B

commercial pellets
(46% protein): DFR 7
reducing to 3% B

Philippart et al. 1979: 0.5 ma
cages in thermal effluent.
average temperature 27.9'~
Coche 1977: 1 m3 cages
(mesh 2.5 cm) in lake; DO
< 5 mg/L; monosex males
N'Zimasse 1979: 1 m3 cages
in fertilized ponds; monosex
males; low DO'S
Philippart et al. 1979; 0.5 m3
cages in thermal effluent,
average temperature 25 to
27'~; monosex males;
**DFR= 7%B;*DFR=3%B

Bi :
Pmf :
Bf :
MP :
DO :

mean weight at stocking
number of fish
mean biomass at stocking
average growth rate of individual fish during the culture period
average monthly specific growth rate
daily rate of increase of the biomass calculated from Bf = Bi (1 + i)n where n is the culture period in days and i is EB
mean weight at harvest 100
mean biomass at harvest
average monthly production: (Bf - Bi) observed and recalculated on a 3May basis)
feed conversion ratio, on a net weight basis unless otherwise indicated
daily feeding rate as % B (biomass)
dissolved oxygen
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