The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

. Table 16 (cont'd)

Stocking data Growth data Harvesting data Culture
Pmi Bi G MSG DRIB B t MP period
(g) ~lm~ (4/m3) (gld) (%) (%) (41m3) (behn3) (mo) References and remarks

S. nibticus
Extensive. unfertilized pond. all males
Intensive, 24% protein moist pellets
Intensive. artificial lake, 25% protein
sjnlcing pellets
Intensive, artificial lake, 25% protein
sinking pellets
Intensive, artifical lake. 20% protein
sinking pellets
Intensive. unfertilized pond, 46% pro-
tein, all males
Intensive, unfertilized pond, 46% pro-
tein. all males
Intensive, artificial lake, 22% protein
T. rendalli
Semi-intensive. fed Alocasia leaves
Semi-intensive. fed Abcasia leaves
Semi-intensive. fed Alocasia leaves
+ wheat bran

Philippart et al. 1979
Guerrero 1979a
Coche 1977
Coche 1977
Campbell 1978b
Philippart et al. 1979
Philippart et al. 1979
Campbell 1978b

McLamey 1978
Corredor 1978

Pmi : mean weight at stocking
N : number of flsh
: mean biomass at stocking
2 : average growth nte of individual fish d- the culture peiod
MSG : avede monthly specific growth rate
DRIB : ddy rate of increase of the biomass calculated from Bf = Bi (1 + where n is the culture period in days and i is EB
: mean biomass at harvest 100
% : avexage monthly produdon: (Bf - Bi) observed and recalculated on a 3Oday basis
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