The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

several systems by which earthen ponds can be manipulated to produce and
remove hybrid fingerlings and fry.
Lovshin (1980) describes a series of experiments performed in Brazil
to determine the best method for producing all-male tilapia hybrid fingerlings
by crossing S. niloticus x S. hornorum. One hundred and forty-two crosses
were made over a 6-year period in 360-m2 earthern ponds. A fingerling
production system for use in Brazil was developed from these experiments
and is detailed below (Figure 1). Plates 1-3 (see p. 308) illustrate some of the
facilities and species in use in Brazil.

Step I
Pure Genetic
Id Strains


Step n


Multiplication Ponds

males are sexed
at 20 to 30 grams

females are sexed
at 20 to 30 grams

Step IU

Male and Female
Preparation Ponds


Step ISZ

$s. hornorum

Q S. niloticus

Spawning Pond
Stocked at 60 to 100 grams

Figure 1. System used for producing all-male tilapia hybrids, S. niloticus x S. hornorum
in Northeast Brazil (after Lovshin 1980).
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